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Kratom Color and Properties

There are three types of kratom – white, green and red. The defining external difference of kratom is the presence of colored veins on the leaves.  Leaves with white veins are considered young leaves, while red ones are considered mature. Green veins are the middle between youth and maturity! External differences do not greatly affect the color of the powder obtained during the processing of leaves, it is usually green in color with slight differences that are not particularly striking. The main thing is the difference in the effect on the body. As it matures, kratom acquires more pronounced pharmacological effects, so white kratom having a certain set of alkaloids and possessing everything that its older brothers possess is recommended for novice consumers. You can consider all three types in more detail and determine what you desire. Remember, they are ALL excellent aides in pain relief:

  • Red vein kratom has a great sedative effect and promotes rapid pain relief, sound healthy sleep, stress and anxiety relief.
  • Green vein kratom is a stimulant strain. It is the perfect choice to start your day. It should be your first choice if you are looking for an energy boosting product that can keep you in high spirits.
  • White vein kratom is the perfect balance of red and white. White has all the effects of red and green strains in a perfect blend. Therefore, if you want to feel energetic, want to get rid of pain without feeling sleepy, want to increase concentration, then kratom with white veins is the most suitable option.

Undoubtedly, the uniting factor of all three types of kratom is the presence of the main active substance mitragynine, and the alkaloid 7-hydroxymitragynine, which give kratom amazing properties to positively influencing the human condition. I love all the strains for pain-management, and white would have to be my personal favorite, although this varies from person to person.

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